#!/usr/bin/perl use LAM::LAM qw(displaySource displayPage); # Lexicon Abstact Map use CGI qw(:all); # Perl Common Gateway Interface package use strict; # Force me to use strict variable syntax. use warnings; # Enable all warnings. LAM::displaySource(); # Display source, rlog, etc. if requested. my $hostName = qx(uname -n | cut --delimiter=. --fields=1); # Report Host Name my $dfCommand = '/bin/df -Th -x supermount'; my $tmpfs = 0 ; if (defined param('tmpfs')) { $tmpfs = param('tmpfs') } if (($tmpfs == 0)) # Use tmpfs=1 to include temp file systems in report {$dfCommand .= ' --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs'} my $result = qx($dfCommand); # Get results: file system disk space usage report my @lines = split /^/, $result; # Split result into individual lines my $line_number = 0; # Set line number and table header my $table_text = "\n\n" . "\n"; my $next_column_1 = ''; foreach my $line (@lines) { $line_number ++; # Increment line number my @columns = split /\s+/, $line; # Split line into columns my $column_count = @columns; CASE: { if ($line_number == 1) { last CASE; } # Ignore Header line data if ($column_count == 1) { # Save Incomplete line data for later $next_column_1 = $columns[0]; last CASE; # continue processing with next line } if ($next_column_1 ne '') { # Load saved data $columns[0] = $next_column_1; $next_column_1 = ''; } $table_text .= ''; # format as a table row my $column_number = 0; foreach my $column (@columns) { $column_number ++; if ($column_number == 3 or $column_number == 4 or $column_number == 5 or $column_number == 6) { $table_text .= ""; } else { $table_text .= ""; } } $table_text .= "\n"; # end of table rows } } $table_text .= "
FilesystemTypeSize" . "UsedAvailableUse%Mounted on
\n"; # end of table LAM::displayPage('-c', '-i', 'LAM', '-t', "$hostName disk usage", '', center(h1('LAM Alaska'). "\n". h2("$hostName file system disk space usage report"). "\n". $table_text ))